How to Make One on One Meetings More Productive

Do whatever you can to ensure their success and to show that you are truly invested in them as individuals.

How can we supercharge 1:1 meetings? originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

We are living in a time when 1:1 meetings are completely undervalued, however, the benefits of leveraging 1:1 meetings within your company are many. For starters, 1:1 meetings are your opportunity to show team members that you really want to hear about their contributions and concerns, and that you value their ideas. It’s their opportunity to tell you what they are worried about and what they need from you in order to improve and grow within the organization.

To supercharge these meetings, turn the floor over to your employee and spend the majority of your time listening to what they have to say. This practice is particularly important in a remote environment where employees are more likely to feel disconnected and really need that face-to-face time. Ask questions like “How’s it going?” “What can I do to help?” “How’s your family?” and “What’s on your mind?”

Try to hold these meetings in person or by video if possible. If meeting remotely, send your employee a coffee or lunch to show your appreciation and spread a feeling of goodwill (versus micromanagement). Also, check in with your employee to come up with a time that is mutually convenient and that doesn’t add stress to their already busy schedule. Remember, these 1:1 meetings are all about them; keeping them engaged, productive and content. Do whatever you can to ensure their success and to show that you are truly invested in them as individuals. And be sure to follow up on anything that was discussed or mentioned after each meeting. You have to show your employees that you are listening, and that their success is important to you both during the meeting and beyond.

This question originally appeared on Quora.

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