The Red Woman from Game of Thrones Misinterprets Her Visions

As we do, from time to time.

I heard a ghost howl

when my brother left me in this world

I saw him resurrected in my dreams.

The conversations were always the same

how it didn’t hurt to die.

A dream is a story we tell ourselves

when life is complicated and we don’t want

what is coming to us.

The Red Woman bolted Stannis into a coffin

though she believed it different

she saw what she saw

in the light.


PJ Holliday is a literary writer based out of Houston, TX. She graduated from the University of Houston in 2016 with a degree in poetry where her honors thesis won “Outstanding Honors Thesis Award” for 2014. She earned her MFA in creative writing at Regis University in January 2019. She is a contributing blog writer for the literary journal Inverted Syntax and her poetry manuscript, “To Clear a Static Field” is currently in submission.


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Artwork courtesy of Debra Livingston.